by Chris Richter | Jun 4, 2017 | Audio, Education, Technology
NOTE: Some of the links in this content are affiliate links and as a result I could earn a commission from them. There is no additional cost to you. Historically the biggest down side of recording multimedia for education has been audio. In fact this is a typical...
by Chris Richter | Jun 4, 2017 | Audio, Education
You must start by recording the best quality audio that you can. Only then will you be able to improve the audio by editing. Typically audio editing is more about removing unwanted audio than it is about making the audio sound better. NOTE: As always, we are...
by Chris Richter | Jun 4, 2017 | Audio, Technology, Video
The story was that we wanted some live video footage and reasonably good audio for some people that wanted to hear our music. We wanted to keep it really simple and didn’t have a lot of time to edit video and mix down the audio. This is how it came out (use...
by Chris Richter | Feb 4, 2017 | Education, Interactive
A lot of people have been asking how to add their own interactive, home made, javascript Moodle activity. Well here is how you can do it. We are using Moodle 3.2 for this tutorial. The activity you will add is a drag and drop, re-ordering activity that will provide...
by Chris Richter | Jan 31, 2017 | Education, Interactive
I have always been an advocate for interactive content, having developed content for mobile devices and many online education websites. I have slightly modified my opinion of interactivity in that I assumed small interactive activities would help stimulate student. ...